The story of Maia, an orphan girl who’s sent from the Mayfair Academy for Young Ladies in England to Manaus, Brazil, where the Carters, her deceased parents’ only living relatives, reside. Maia is accompanied by her new governess, Miss Minton, an intelligent woman with a mysterious past. Life with the Carters turns out to be very different from what Maia had imagined: the family insist on pretending they’re still in England, and refuse to let Maia meet any of “the natives” or spend any time at all outdoors. But with the help of Miss Minton – and of her friends Clovis King and Finn Taverner, who have plenty of have troubles and secrets of their own – Maia finds a way to explore…
Interest age: 9+
Reading age: 9-11
Themes explored include: importance of nature to the human spirit, racism, stereotypes, colonialism, us vs them
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